– He founded the “Constantin Brancusi” University , converting the Municipality of Targu Jiu into a university city, with over 7,000 local students and an academic body numbering over 170 researchers and PhDs;
– He transferred the “Debarcader” Complex to the “Constantin Brancusi” University, providing students with optimal conditions for study, board and lodging;
– He initiated the bill on forest restitution to all the citizens of Romania;
– He initiated the first parliamentary contacts between the Chamber of Deputies of Romania and the Parliament of Moldova, participating in the three “Bridges of Flowers” over the River Prut and providing more than 8,500 scholarships or pupils and students from Bessarabia;
– He has achieved, due to his position as a Member of the Chamber of Deputies and as Secretary of the Parliamentary Committee for Education, Science, Youth and Sport of the Chamber of Deputies, a GDP increase for teachers from 2.8% to 4% , which resulted in an increase of their salaries.
– Under his coordination, over 40 localities in Gorj County benefited from civil works to the water and gas supply networks, as well as road rehabilitation works ;
– Secured the necessary funding to modernise high schools in Targu-Jiu, Motru, Mătăsari, Novaci, Peştişani and Târgu Cărbuneşti, introducing classes with instruction in foreign languages, developing the pedagogical and health education and private post-secondary education, while also providing the material means to many boarding schools or school cafeterias;
– Equipping the county hospitals, as well as renovating buildings, renewing the hospital vehicle fleet, obtaining approvals and equipment for the haemodialysis department were just a few of his preoccupations;
– Has managed to secure the necessary funds for the construction of over 524 apartments and studios for young people, in Targu-Jiu, Motru and Rovinari and Târgu-Cărbuneşti through the Gorj subsidiary of the National Housing Agency (NHA);
– Was involved in securing the necessary funds to rebuild and equip the “Elvira Godeanu” Dramatic Theatre;
– Has taken measures to reorganise the Art Museum, to relocate it from the premises of the “Virgil Madgearu” National College to the Brancusi Park, securing the necessary funds to convert this high school into a pillar of economic education in Gorj county;
– Has raised funds for the reinforcement of the Endless Column and of the Brancusi Ensemble and has overseen the process to completion;
– Stimulated the touristic potential of Gorj County by initiating “Development of the Gorj touristic area”, a programme financed with PHARE funds, with funds allocated by the government and private contributions;
– Adopted constant measures to preserve folk traditions specific to the region of Gorj, by saving and helping develop the “Doina Gorjului” folk ensemble, the best folk group in the country, managing to organise the first International Folklore Festival;
– Undertook to build 14 gyms in Gorj;
– One of his primary concerns were the welfare of the people living in villages throughout Gorj County, which is reflected by the 36 SAPARD projects for which funding has already been secured;
– Supported the modernisation and equipment process of school camps, as well as of religious institutions, churches and monasteries in Gorj County.
At the end of the mandate held by Nicolae Mischie, according to the performance indicators published by the Ministry of Public Administration, Gorj County reached top three, previously being ranked at the very bottom, thus becoming one of the most prosperous counties in Romania.
- For the indicator “Attracting external funding for county roads and bridges” for the year 2004, Gorj County was ranked 1st, along with the counties: Bihor, Buzău, Caraş-Severin, Iaşi and Prahova, which had the same ranking, before 35 other counties out of 41 counties in Romania, being the first county from the Oltenia and Muntenia, considered together, followed by Prahova, and surpassing larger counties that had many representatives in the central government and in the Parliament, such as: Bacău, Dâmboviţa, Sibiu, Argeş, Dolj, Arad, Galaţi, Suceava, Vaslui, Hunedoara, Timişoara, Braşov, Vrancea, Constanţa, Botoşani, Ialomiţa, and Satu Mare. (Page 24).
- As for the performance indicator “Attracting external funding for child protection in 2004” , Gorj County ranked 1st, together with several other counties (28), substantially surpassing counties such as: Dolj, Ilfov, Constanţa, Arad, Teleorman, Alba Iulia, Caraş-Severin, Harghita and Neamţ, ranked 30th or 41st, as is the case of Ilfov County. (Page 25).
- For the performance indicator “Roads and bridges”: Preparation, by the County Council, of a development strategy for county roads and bridges for the year 2003 (d.j.p.f.1) (page 81), in the study “Performance Assessment of County Councils of Romania”, Gorj County is ranked 1st, with counties like Arges, Arad, Tulcea and others, while other counties, such as: Bacău, Dâmboviţa, Galaţi, Giurgiu, Mehedinţi, Vrancea, Hunedoara and others are ranked 21st, and counties such as: Constanţa, Buzău şi Bihor are ranked 41st of 41 counties.
- For the performance indicator: “The share of modernised county roads in the county roads network for the year 2003 (d.j.p.f.2) ‘, Gorj County ranks 3rd, after Olt and Satu-Mare, ranked 1st and 2nd, with a percent value of 35.76 percent, compared to the other 38 counties, which are far behind, such as Cluj, with 17.14% (13th place), Sibiu (21st), with a percent value of 12.51%, Dolj (25th), with 10.55%, Galati (31st), Constanta (35th), Alba, Mures and Tulcea, placed 38th, 39th and 40th, respectively, with percent values between 2.36% and 2.59%, or Buzau, placed 41st, with 0.00% percent values.
- For the indicator: “The share of ground county roads in the county roads network for the year 2003” (d.j.p.f.3) , Gorj ranks 6th, being surpassed only by the counties of Bihor, Braila, Covasna, Caras-Severin and Neamt, with percent values of 1.50%, higher than 35 other counties, Arges, Alba, Mehedinti (20th, 21st, 22nd), with percent values from 5 to 5.44%, or counties such as Hunedoara, Harghita, Vaslui, Calarasi and Iasi, ranked 37th, 38th, 39th, 40th and 41st with percent values between 15.42% and 22.90%.
- For the indicator: “The average cost of maintenance for mountain roads, for the year 2003” (d.j.p.t.12) , Gorj County ranked 6th, being surpassed by Bacau, Neamt, Arad, Valcea and Cluj, which had average costs below RON 6.460 thousand per km, but Gorj is incomparably better placed in this respect compared to other 35 counties, which had average maintenance costs ranging from RON 14 thousand RON per km (Buzau) to RON 33,39 thousand RON per km (Caras-Severin), to RON 158 thousand per km, or RON 200 thousand (Vrancea), the average maintenance costs in Alba, Maramures and other counties which were not monitored.
- For the indicator “Average cost of modernisation works for hill roads, for the year 2003” (d.j.p.f.14), Gorj ranks 9th out of the 41 counties of Romania, being surpassed by Caras-Severin, Dambovita, Valcea, Prahova, Neamt, Iasi, that managed to achieve an average cost of modernisation works under RON 403,976 thousand per km (cost recorded in Gorj), but surpassing other 33 counties, which recorded average costs of modernisation that were particularly high, eg : Alba and Suceava = RON 500 thousand per km, Arad = RON 542.8 thousand per km, Bacau = RON 640 thousand per km, Vaslui = RON 800 thousand per km, Bistrita Nasaud = RON 900.99 thousand per km.
- For the performance indicator “Attracting external funding by the County Council for county roads and bridges for the year 2003” (d.j.p.f.17), Gorj County ranks 1st, together with Caras-Severin, Covasna and Iasi, surpassing counties such as: Bacău, Dâmboviţa, Ilfov, Sibiu, Timiş, Vrancea sau Vâlcea, placed 5th, or counties like: Alba, Arad, Argeş, Constanţa, Hunedoara, Olt, Prahova, Suceava, placed last, 41st.
NM’s objectives, which were included in the 2004 strategy for Gorj County, prior to his retirement from politics:
- Securing financing to open an airline and to build an airport in Targu-Jiu, for which all the required studies and formalities were completed, as evidenced by the models made by the Bucharest Centre for Inventions, ordered by Nicolae Mischie, former chairman of the Gorj County Council. This airport was deemed imperative for the development of the Gorj area and to better showcase the works of Constantin Brancusi(download plans here);
- The accreditation of all faculties of the “Constantin Brancusi” University;
- Establishing the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculties of History – Archival Studies and Philology – Foreign Languages;
- Establishing the Medicine History Museum;
- National and county-level programs aimed at activities like gathering and selling wild berries, ensuring their processing by modern centres in Gorj County, thus creating new jobs;
- Establishing a concrete program to stimulate the development of ecological beekeeping, providing support for beekeepers and greater access to programs that included grants;
- Building, using external funding, and according to projects, a chain of wind power plants in areas like Novaci-Bumbeşti Jiu, Valcea, Sohodol Valley, Tismana and Pades;
- Securing UNESCO funding to build an international congress hall, possibly named after Constantin Brancusi;
- Programs for the revitalisation of green agriculture, of fruit growing and of animal husbandry in Gorj County, support for the sale and processing of own products;
- Development of tourism in order to convert it into an industry, a reliable source of income for Gorj, and a means to create new jobs;
- Boosting the development process of the Tismana II downstream reservoir, a project completed on paper at the initiative of Nicolae Mischie but which so far remained unfunded;
- Modernising the entire elementary and secondary school system by adapting it to European standards, providing all schools in the county with computers, based on educational programs, and broadening connections and exchanges in this field with several countries in Europe, Asia and America;
- Emphasising the cooperation maintained by localities in Gorj with other localities (eg the cooperation of Sambotin and Godinesti communes with communities from Japan and Belgium – “territorial and administrative twinning”);
- Creating a department of theological higher education;
- Media coverage of grant programs for the development of SMEs, in order to gain access to international and not just local markets;
- Securing financing in order to create a system of hotels, putting the natural beauty of the surroundings to profit by attracting foreign tourists;
- Supporting the development of industries such as coal mining, oil extraction, glass, furniture production, rubber, machinery, mining equipment and construction materials, marble and travertine extraction and hydropower in Gorj County;